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If you can not reset your password, or if you have forgot your username then you can follow these steps to fix this issue. You will need SSH access enabled.Uninstall EmbyConnect to your slot via SSH and type this line, followed by enter: cd /var/lib/emby/config/type this line, followed by enter (same password as you've connected with): sudo rm system.xml type this line, followed by enter: sudo rm -R usersreinstall Emby Once all this is done you should be able…
To transfer files between two seedboxes you can use the 'SCP' command from an SSH connection. Our boxes will let you use this command to transfer data from another provider as well. Transfer files from one slot to another slot To begin you need to first enable SSH on the slot you want to copy file from. Once that is done you can connect to that slot via SSH. After that you need to navigate into the directory you want to copy the data from and then use…
First a warning: Using SSH is at your own risk. If your actions result in your slot being inaccessible we can reset it for you, but we will not provide any other support. You will lose all your data once we do this. Using SSH is not recommended if you do not know what you are doing! To begin with: To connect to your slot you will need a terminal application on whatever operating system you are running on. Usually 'Put…
First a warning: Enabling SSH is at your own risk. If your actions result in your slot being inaccessible we will reset it for you, but we will not provide any other support. You will lose all your data once we do this. Using SSH is not recommended if you do not know what you are doing!Only install app's to the seedit4me folder if you install to root this can fill up the small root area causing issues …
To add a leech only user to your slot you will first need to connect to your slot via SSH. Don't know how? Read up on it here.Login to your slot via SSHType in this command, follow by enter: sudo shType in this command, follow by enter: useradd seedftpType in this command, follow by enter: passwd seedftpType in this command, follow by enter: usermod -s /sbin/nologin seedftpType in this command, follow by enter: usermod -a -G seedit4me seedftpType in this command, follow by enter:…
Client To connect to your slot you will need an FTP client on whatever operating system you are running on. Usually 'FileZilla' will do just fine. Download and install the application of your choice, we will use FileZilla as an example in this guide, but you can use the information within any other application you might use.Connection method Your slot has a few different protocols you can use to connect with: plain FTP FTPS / TLS …
This guide will help you setting up Rclone on your slot. You will need to connect via SSH to your slot, currently the GUI is not supported by our environment. Before you do, be sure to install Rclone via the tile menu.Youtube Video GuideForum GuidePreparationBefore you start the basic installation be sure you have the following ready:A working, logged in Google Drive accountA working SSH connection to your slotA working installation of RcloneBasic configuration for Go…
Once you have installed NextCloud on your slot, you can connect from different clients (Windows / Linux / Mobile) to your server. This guide will give you a step-by-step walk through of how to connect properly.After installing NextCloud you will need to open the application on the server to finish its setup. Be sure to pick a password that is safe for use.Install the client of your choice (in this example we will use the windows client)Once installed you can fire it up and choose t…